A project launched by thyssenkrupp in 2015 to give refugees a career perspective throughout the Group is now an integral part of thyssenkrupp Materials Services' recruiting and training strategy. A success that changes many lives and holds the opportunity to shape the labor market in a sustainable way. In August 2022 the next step was taken.
Fortunately, many people can take it for granted that they will receive the money for their work in their bank account at the end of the month. However, many employees are not aware of what has to happen behind the scenes at a company for this.
As a mill-independent materials distributor and service provider we attach great importance to the responsible disposal of our materials. We are constantly working to return our products such as stainless steel, aluminum or wood to the materials cycle by recycling large quantities and reusing them elsewhere.
With the spin-off of thyssenkrupp Materials IoT GmbH, Materials Services offers customers a total solution for the networking of manufacturing and the digitization of their value chain.