10,000 t of specially plastic coated pipe
thyssenkrupp Schulte delivered just under 10,000 t of specially plastic coated pipe.
thyssenkrupp Schulte from the Business Area Materials Services has delivered just under 10,000 t of specially plastic coated pipe (around 37,000 m, nominal width 800 mm) along with 57 pipe bends for the construction of a pipeline.
The pipeline, shortly to be completed, connects the underground storage unit, Katharina, with the central natural gas line JAGAL located in the German state of Saxony-Anhalt. Erdgasspeicher Peissen GmbH (EPG), a joint venture between VNG Gasspeicher GmbH and GAZPROM Germania GmbH, is, as project and operator, responsible for setting up and operating the Katharina underground storage unit. After final acceptance in 2017, the storage unit will provide a capacity of nearly 600 million cubic meters of natural gas, equivalent to 6.52 billion kilowatt-hours.
The biggest-ever pipe shipments of thyssenkrupp Schulte
The just-in-time shipments were made by trucks and in close liaison with the manufacturer Salzgitter Mannesmann Großrohr GmbH. In all, 500 trucks were needed to deliver the 10,000 t of pipe to Saxony-Anhalt. This was one of thyssenkrupp Schulte's biggest-ever pipe shipments.

Around 37,000 m quantify the pipes thyssenkrupp Schulte had supplied